Sunday, June 14, 2015


These are sheer indulgences for me! All of which I'm going to give in to tonight.

Orange Is The New Black - my son has binge watched Season 3 and keeps telling me it's soooo good.  If it's anything like Seasons 1 & 2 it has to be great. I'm going to start watching tonight.

Then there's the finale of this season's Game of Thrones. I started reading the books well into Season 2 and then played catch-up with the show. I'm addicted and happy my son watches - it gives me someone to discuss it with! Love it so much I'm planning on reading the books again, even though I haven't yet finished the last one. The last 2 episodes have been so awesome - can't imagine how they're going to get the finale even close! Definitely watching that tonight.

And crafting - I've got that in my plans tonight, too!  I love to craft and watch my shows together.  Keeps my mind and my hands busy (and keeps my hands out of the chip bowl!).

I've got a few more flowers to make for my project. Here's a before quilling and after photo:

I'm also planning on working on a scrapbook page. I've been gathering parts, pieces, & papers as well as ideas on what I'd like to do.  Stay tuned - I'll post the finished product soon!

In the mean time, gotta go get my laptop ready for my shows...  Have a MARVelous time crafting everyone!

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