May is National Scrapbooking Month, and luckily I'm feeling crafty lately! With that comes updating my blog! I'm the poorest blogger there is...
I've had some really great things going on in the past few months, and I've got the piles of pictures to scrapbook them! Yes, I actually have downloaded them from my phone and had them printed!
Back in March I volunteered as an Advisor for Buck-I-SERV, which is Ohio State University's alternative break program. I drove with 8 undergraduate students to One Heartland in Minnesota where we helped prepare for their summer camps for children and young adults affected &/or infected by HIV/AIDS.
Last month my daughter Melissa and some of her friends and my son Matthew's joined me in the AIDSWalk Columbus. A portion of the funds our team raised go directly to the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit and Infectious Diseases Clinic at OSU.
And just this month Melissa was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest and most prestigous Honor Society. The following day she graduated cum laude from Ohio University with 2 majors: Psychology and Sociology/Criminology.
I have to say I am extremely impressed with the young adults I have had the fortune to make memories with during the first quarter of 2014! I cannot wait to celebrate those memories by scrapbooking them.
I'll try my best to post a page or 2...
Check out Close To My Heart's special this month in honor of National Scrapbooking Month. I think the Free To Be Me set will work well with some of the memories I'll be turning into artwork.
Have a
MARVelous time crafting, everyone!